Here is the deal. The FAA cutbacks have resulted in the agency, at least temporarily, no longer collecting a 20-some dollar tax per ticket. Rather than pass that windfall on to the customer, which would save around $25 or a little more per ticket, almost every single airline is keeping prices the same, or even RAISING fares, and pocketing the 'tax' for themselves. These are the things one needs to get very angry about as the little guy continues to get bent over and screwed by billionaires on an hourly basis. Isn't it bad enough now that you have to pay for your baggage to come on vacation with you, you get no meal and there is some suggestion that airlines may put a pay-to-use lock on the airport lavatory in the future?? We praise Spirit Airlines and Alaska Airlines for being among the pitiful few carriers passing the savings directly back to their customers. We continue to just recommend manageable road trips until the greedy folk can get their shit together. BTW, kids, it is only 9 more hours to see the second largest ball of twine on the face of the Earth!! Good talk, son.