Getting things done

So did this morning, I did a couple of groovy and useful things.

Firstly, I went to the Doctors. We chatted vaccines; she told me to look at a website called mdtravelhealth. It tells you country by country which vaccines you’ll need. She told me to print off the page for South Korea and bring it in to my GP surgery, where they’ll arrange an appointment with the travel nurse for the relevant vaccinations. By the looks of things, it seems Hep A, Hep B and typhoid are the only things I’ll really need since I don’t plan spending a huge amount of time in rural areas or with animals and my tetanus is up to date. Just need to check my diptheria-polio info.

My GP also gave me a prescription for a year’s worth of the pill, which is awesome. I won’t need any more until June/July next year by which time I should know more about the Korean health service and be more confident with my Korean in trying to get hold of it, since I need a specific type.

I also bought my suitcases today. It’s pretty light, four wheels, and it’s teal! I picked up my new glasses last week. Only three and a half weeks left of work. Things are moving quickly!