Received: June 7, 2011, from Germany.
So far, this trip has been amazing. I haven’t even done much but it has put an impact on my life in so many different ways. I started this trip off near Landel, which is about 2 hours outside of Frankfurt towards France. My time there was really chill because I was adjusting to the time difference and all. We actually got to go and see a little part of france while I was there so it was pretty successful!
On Thursday, I took a train to Hamburg which is about 6 hours away, and it was BEAUTIFUL! I dont think I’ve ever seen anything more perfect in my life. My train arrived in hamburg about 30 minutes early but it turned out perfect because I found my grand-uncle really easy! On the drive to his house, i couldnt believe that I was actually there. The entire place is GREEN. The concept that I can be in the city, and it still be green is unbelievable to me, but it’s reality here in Hamburg!
The next day, we went around the local area, seeing some of the shops, buying some groceries for the week, and then we went to the mall. Which was slightly weird for me because to get to the mall, you had to walk through the grocery store…..there was the grocery store… the mall……..thats insane! And they dont really have a food court like us! We have McDonalds, Chick Fila, ect. Fast foods. But here, it’s like a market! They have a fruit and vegetable stand. Raw fish booth. Butcher Location, sushi bar, bakery, basically a produce section IN THE MALL! I didnt believe it was a mall at first but then i did once i saw footlocker(:
Downtown Hamburg is surreal. Every building you look at has so much detail put into it. It’s simply beautiful. And their city hall is a work of art! like, its just statues and sculptures and waterfountains everywhere! My uncle and i were walking around downtown and i saw a nike store, and me being me, i actually went in. I still cant believe what i found….I found Jordan 3 cements…..Those sold out in a day in america…but they’re still for sale here…..I bought a pair(:
On an emotion note, me being here made me realize how much she means to me. Like, its weird. I never thought I’d be like this, but I miss her, and its only been a week. Shes my best friend. And she knows it. Its crazy, I always thought distance would bring people apart, but I’m starting to think it brings them together. Because all that time physically apart, just brings them closer together when they see each other.
And i’ve been thinking about my uncle a lot too. Its been 6 years. And I’ve never felt closer to you. You’ve taught me so much. And I love you. I just wish you didnt leave me. I always wished you’d see me graduate. I know you did, but I wanted you physically there. I dont know how many times i’ve said i miss you, but I’ve been saying it every day since you’ve left.
I dont want to lose you.
I go to Verden Thrusday!!!!! Pretty much, I’m going to be partying from Thursday till I come home. I’m really excited to see the boating festival in Kiel! Ive never been around a sail boat so it’s going to be really cool to see so many!
I need a jacket. It’s cold here.
8:05 on a Tuesday. Right now I should be in my Introduction to Sociology class, mindlessly copying down notes, but I’m not.
My dad filed a Leave of Absence for me at the college I was attending to make way for Fresh Cell (aka, Stem Cell) Therapy in Villa Medica, in Germany. We hope we can raise enough funds for the both of us to take the trip, and hopefully by the second semester, I’ll be back at school, doing my thing with an energized spirit and a powerful heart.
Frankfurt, Germany
And away from this bullshit.
Schieße, Born This Way & The Edge of Glory from the finale of Germany’s Next Top Model.