Berlin Zoo: Favorite place in the world. :)

Goal by aremac on Flickr.

The beautiful game

“I know you call me bitch, just a fucking faggot but in fact you fear the mirror which I’m holding towards your face. Get some advice from me: You’re so fucking damn ugly, you should take all your money and get some plastic surgery.”

- Assassinate me - Jesus on Extasy

This awesome custom “Eye TV” was sent up by German based artist and designer cikcuk and was done for the “Happy Shocks, Victim Shakes, Guerillas Rawks” show put on by Indiguerillas. Using elements and themes already found in cikcuk pieces but taking them to another level, this custom is unlike anything I’ve seen before… simple, smooth and clean… I love it! Check out more images of this piece as well as other cikcuk artwork here.