The Republic is Dead.

The Republic is Dead.
The U.S. Government

Will Now Become an...

Today's vote by Congress broke my heart and shattered my faith in our institutions...but not my resolve to fight for what you and I know is worth fighting for.

The bipartisan debt deal creates a Super Congressa political-SuperVirus immune to constitutional and statutory safeguards.

By setting up the Select Joint Committee (SJC), Members of the House and Senate are giving away the power of the purse and the power to tax to an oligarchy of 12 Washington insiders and turning the power to issue debt over to a spendaholic president.


This deal is a complete capitulation by backbenchers of both parties to their respective leadership cabals who have more in common with each other than to their rank-in-file members or voters back home.

We've already seen the future of the Super Oligarchy with the Gang of Six.

They tried everything they could think of during the debt-ceiling debate to cut Social Security benefits and Medicare for current retirees without reforming either program.

At the same time they would raise taxes under the guise of "tax reform," which would aggravate class warfare and increase revenues well beyond the 50-year average (18 percent of GDP) that has held as an anchor to windward against all previous efforts to turn America into a European-style socialist state. Read my recent Forbes Column on the futility of raising tax rates.


Minutes before the Senate approved this deal and the creation of the 'Select Joint Committee', Majority Leader Harry Reid, from the senate floor, confirmed that it is going to lead to TAX INCREASES!

The creation of the Oligarchy Congress will pave the way for a new Gang of Twelve to do everything the Gang of Six failed to do and more.

We are no longer talking about default by Congress; the Super Oligarchy Congress will be de-end of Congress as we know it.


Lawrence A. Hunter, Ph.D.
Social Security Institute
15 Culpeper St.
Warrenton VA, 20187

P.S. We must act now to Demand the repeal of the Super-Congress immediately.
The very foundation of our constitutional Republic is being dismantled before our eyes.