Zack Ryder Defeats The King Of Kings?

New WWE Chairman, Triple H, delivered his 'state of the WWE address' on Raw. He congratulated Rey on winning the WWE Championship for the first time in his career. He then said he had re-hired a former WWE employee, Jim Ross walked out. Michael Cole threw a temper-tantrum about it. Triple H told Cole to go to the back and get ready for his next match. Cole returned to "The King Of Kings" entrance, wearing Triple H's tights. He even tried to spit the water. 

His opponent... Zack Ryder!

When Zack Ryder's music hit he got a huge pop from the crowd which had been demanding to see him on Raw for months. Zack seemed extremely pumped up for the match. He hit the ring and immediately hit Cole with his finisher called the "Rough Ryder" which is basically a standing jump over his opponent where he basically hits a high impact "Famasser"/leg-drop. He then got the 3 count on Cole and won the match and received a huge cheer from he crowd.

I think Zack was wearing his new shirt and did the fist pump and the WOO WOO WOO much to the crowds delight. I think he is finally back on Raw and after this reaction it will be hard for the WWE to ignore his rising popularity any longer.

In my opinion, first he should go back to the one legged tights lol. Also, he should defend the "Internet Championship" on Raw. Hell, I think he should go title for title against Dolph Ziggler (who's new entrance music on Raw sucked btw) and I think Zack should win the match and the United States Championship! Dolph should get so upset because somehow Vickie cost him the match that he dumps Vickie on the spot. Zack could call himself the 'United States Internet Champion' haha and merge the two titles! 


For those of you who don't remember, Zack Ryder started out as part of Edge's team of look-a-likes known as Ryder and Hawkins. They didn't last long but they did win the Tag-Team Championships during their time together. 

After that was over, Zack abandoned the Edge look for his own original look. He cut his hair and change his look drastically. He even invented the one-leg tights look haha. For those of you TNA fans, Zack was Robbie E before there was Robbie E lol (Robbie E being a rip-off of the show Jersey Shore). Zack has that "Long Island Iced Z" character down and I think its time he got a push on Raw as a major player!