With financing now lined up Mclean returns with lead actor John Jarrat in tow for the film that will head into pre-production later this year, with a shooting start date of February 2012 marked on the calendar. Of course, exact details are being closely guarded—producer Matt Hearn says, “We’re keeping story details top secret for now, but it is safe to say: scarier, bigger, badder”—but this time around Mclean has teamed with Aaron Sterns (script editor on “Rogue”) on the screenplay. You read the first official logline after the jump:
The outback once more becomes a place of mind-bending horror, action and suspense as another unwitting tourist becomes the prey for crazed, serial-killing pig-shooter Mick Taylor.
We presume this means that “6 Miranda Drive,” the no-budget supernatural flick that Mclean was attached to direct for Lionsgate earlier in the year in on hold. That film is a “Paranormal Activity” type story about a family who has a deal with a supernatural presence in their home and we think it’s wise that Mclean didn’t rush head first into that one. No word yet on a release date, but we’d guess a late 2012 or early 2013 release is likely.
-Joey's Two Cents: Wolf Creek is one of my favorite horror films of all time, and I even liked Rogue, so this is great news to me...thoughts?