Today in Rape Culture

[Trigger warning for sexual violence, rape culture, police malfeasance.]

Despite NYC police and prosecutors' insistence that Jerry Ramrattan, a man who framed his ex-girlfriend for armed robbery as revenge for reporting that he had raped her, is some kind of criminal mastermind, and despite the New York Times' valiant attempt to sell that framing, it is manifestly apparent that Ramrattan is just your run-of-the-mill vindictive wankstain who paid off a couple of dudes and a woman willing to play roles in his misogynist scheme in exchange for the (false) promise of getting something they wanted.

I guess making Ramrattan out to be some sort of Danny Ocean is easier than admitting they held a rape victim behind bars for seven months because her rapist exploited their inclination to believe it was more likely that a successful businesswoman was randomly robbing strangers than that her boyfriend raped her.

I don't guess I need to point out the irony that Ms. Sumasar was evidently presumed of making false charges while her ex-boyfriend's stooges were making false charges against her. Two men who had not even been robbed easily convinced the police they had been, while Ramrattan is only now being charged with rape, after he was discovered to have framed his victim of armed robbery.

[H/T to Shaker Beth_in_Mpls. Previously on the New York Times' appalling coverage of sexual violence: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.]