What is wrong with us?? Seriously. How do people even put these 'plans' into motion, knowing, INTENDING, such pain?? A 35 year-old man was going through a bitter marriage scenarion {what, did he think he is the only one who has walked such a challenging path??}, and instead of counseling and hard work to try to turn things back around the man got a gun and took it to his kids private skating party in the Dallas, Texas suburbs. The party was in honor of the shooter's son's 11 th birthday. Within moments, his estranged wife and four of her close family members were dead. In this instance we can make a case that although all their children survived {the shooter told the children to get out moments before the gunfire started}, it was best that the father saved the last round for himself-he would have eventually been executed in Texas after a lot of tax money was spent trying him, anyway. So many lives destroyed in less than 10 minutes. Our world was much better when everybody was just bluffing each other during the "Cold War." The shooter receives an express lane trip to Hell, and a no-brainer nomination for "Worst Party Host Of The Galaxy."