Royal Tour of North America: Day 11 - Kate in Navy and White in L.A.

And we're the navy and white, that is.

Can we be honest for a second, KMidd?
We'd be lying if we said we were feeling this outfit.
What with crochet being involved and all.
May be best to leave it at that.

We're not even sure why crochet gives us the shakes.
Probably because it gives us flashbacks of the
palazzo pants we sported in elementary school.

Kate's pleated white skirt is the Whistles Dobby Pleated Skirt, currently available at John Lewis. There are photos of the same navy and white crochet top that Kate is wearing floating around the interwebs that clearly show a Whistles label, but, to date the company is denying the shirt is theirs.

Cute, right?

Kate accessorized with her new diamond and sapphire earrings, as well
 as those mystery navy pumps and nude clutch and a half-up bun 'do.

William and Kate were flown to Canada on the dime of the Canadian government, but it appears that they were on their own to find their way back. Rather than opting for a private jet the royal couple decided to fly commercial instead--albeit it in first class.

So, we think we'll take a little break to process all this Kate Mania (we've had enough of mystery nude clutches and unidentified ruffled blouses for now). We hope you'll join us as we continue to follow Kate Middleton's--rather, the Duchess of Cambridge's--style evolution in the months and years to come.

Photos via The Daily Mail