love stoned

Simple stones.
Lived once in the Mediterranean.
And now with me.

my photo: Recognize the back cover of PATINA STYLE?
Brooke Gianetti's beautiful office
is but one lovely moment inside this must read book.

Hand selected
by Ravit of
these heart-shaped lovelies
spoke to me even before
they traveled here from Israel.

photo by Med Beach Stones

Why a collection
of stone hearts?

my photo (and another snippet from PATINA STYLE)

You already know of my love for all things beachy chic.
And when I saw a photo of one of Ravit's stones,
I intuitively knew someone special
gathered these natural wonders.

I was not wrong.
Ravit has a deep passion for the sea.

"It all started as I spent lots of time on that amazing beach,
walking, swimming, lying on the sand and got to know
the sea in an 'intimate' way."

Offering these finds to others
across the universe is one small
way Ravit may share this passion.

Some of the stones have holes
(they were not drilled)
perfect for creating jewelry.

A little love stone also makes a sweet gift
perhaps for no particular reason
for a special friend so do consider
picking up a few at the shop.

The unusual stones are
smooth after years at sea
to be held
and cherished.

The wonder of it all
charms me...does it charm you?

linking with romantic home