Fun New Game: Guess the Breed!

So, I've gotten a bunch of emails from people who think Zelda might be something other than a mix of Rottie and Shar Pei. She's a Pittie mix! No, she's a Mini-Pin and a Mastiff! No, she's definitely a Chow mix!

Well, here's your big chance to weigh in, dog genealogists! What breed(s) do YOU think Zelda is?

Zelda the Mutt lying on the living room floor

Occasionally, she reminds me quite a bit of a Shiba Inu, especially when she's alert. When she's running, she has a sort of foxy quality that reminds of the Shiba Inus at the dog park, too. They do come in black-and-tan, so that could explain her markings, as well as her smaller size (38 pounds).

(For the record, there isn't a dog breed that I don't like as a rule, and I'm not remotely invested in what breeds she is, lol. I heart my mutt.)