Alex Reid blames ?gay mafia? for ruining his relationship with Katie Price?

Be honest; you thought Katie Price and Alex Reid had only themselves to blame for their marriage ending, didn?t you?

Well it turns out that wasn?t the case. At least that?s not how Alex sees it anyway.

Speaking to Reveal magazine the cage-fighter said, ?I could never be alone with her. We never had any real intimacy.

?We did have romantic moments but, even then, there was always someone downstairs.

?Phill and Gary, I called them the Gay Mafia. They were always there advising Katie.?

While on the subject of ?advise? Alex also admits ?everyone? warned his against marrying his soon to be ex-wife.

He said, ?Even Katie?s closest friends told me not to do it. I didn?t see it at the time, but I do now.?

When asked about Katie's new boyfriend, Leo, Alex revealed:

?The day she met Leandro, she sent me a text saying she couldn?t wait for an Alex cuddle. Then the next day she Tweeted a photo of her and Leandro. It broke my heart.?

Aw, isn?t life cruel sometimes? Wait, did we say ?life?? We meant to type ?Katie? - Woops.

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