It is with great sadness that we announce the death today of our newest Adventure Editor, Grant Vicksburger IV, who was found skeleton-ized behind the wheel of his Prius economy vehicle amongst some large pieces of re-bar and demolished concrete along Los Angeles' Interstate 405. GV was headed south to perform a water ski jump over a large pond of agitated Chilean Sea bass, when he obviously had some major meltdown while driving in the intense freeway traffic. Physicians have not noted any trauma due to any impact, however, there was a primitive note scrawled by CV's fingernails on the dashboard asserting "she just won't get off the phone." It appears he simply gave up the will to live after fatal frustration took control of his central nervous system. We are comforted knowing he is going to a place at least somewhat better than the Hell in which he was living as first responders found a Justin Bieber CD loaded in his car audio system.