We like to find entertaining ways to end the evening with a cool tune or two, while keeping focus on the genuine important messages. If you aren't yet familiar with the unbelievably significant implications of the debt ceiling issue, we provide a link below that describes why July 1st is coming very fast. It should also provide you very little comfort that so much decision making power is in the hands of demonstrated narcoleptic vice president Joe "Sominex" Biden. It is also a nice time to remind you that U2 will be completely rocking Baltimore in just a few days on June 22nd. If anybody {female] has a free ticket, we have been known to 'put out' on the first date!! We know we would have given a left nut to see these guys in the 80s but all the gigs sold-out in 4.5 seconds. We need to confirm-but tix may be available without having to get 'scalped.' {The classic Red Rocks gig-"We thought that we had the answers; it was the questions we had wrong." Bad ass rock music when there was a message to go along with the jam.}