Or at least that would be our solution. But, no-oooo, they are doing the completely opposite, stupid thing-trying to abolish the death penalty altogether. Nothing as frustrating as almost a thousand condemned inmates sitting on death row eating taxpayer food, reading from taxpayer paid law textbooks and using much needed electricity/water resources. We personally know of a degenerate that was condemned in California, but since he was a multi-state serial killer, he was extradited for trial to face the music in much tougher Virginia, where he will have to take his medicine rather than croaking of old age. We plan to tailgate when he finally gets what is coming to him. We don't know how many people are on death row in Texas, but it certainly isn't over 714. California taxpayers have spent in excess of $4 billion {yes, with a "b"} since 1978 to execute a grand total of...wait for..13 convicted murderers. That is not only bad fiduciary management, it is an insult to the concept of justice. Tie three or four of them together back-back and use a Barrett to start thinning the herd with a single round. You could clean out the entire sewer in a weekend for less than $10k.
http://comedians.jokes.com/ron-white/videos/ron-white---death-penalty {Ron White on Texas executions..}