We love the internet that President Gore invented. We love the advances in television and movie technology. However, we have hated cell phones from the beginning. More specifically, we hate the fact that everybody constantly, rudely uses them in retail check-out lines, behind the wheel and generally turn what could be a 30 second conversation into an excuse to chatter for an hour. We hate the phone; it all started back when random solicitors would bother you at the most inconvenient time-send us a text or email and we can respond or ignore you on our own schedule.

If we were ever stranded on a deserted island, we would hope along with the Swedish Bikini Team, we would also have Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who appears often on CNN and is just a brilliant dude. We watched a couple weeks ago when he and Anderson Cooper first tossed around the fact that studies are starting to show that holding your cell phone against your head may increase glioma, a malignant form of brain cancer. It has been described as not being exposed to an uber dose of a toxin, but comparable to having your brain next to a microwave oven, which slowly can cook it. At that point, Anderson Cooper looked at Gupta with the same stunned look as when Gupta indicated that their mutual remote broadcast site was possibly too close to the failed Japanese nuclear reactor-they immediately moved about 30 miles down the road for the next day's coverage. Children are especially vulnerable due to less developed skulls. The problem is of such significance that the WHO has spoken about it {World Health Organization...not the orchestra who penned "My Generation."}

Now we aren't telling you this to scare you, but inform you and allow you to make your own decision. We were among the first to take advantage of the now-affordable cell phone explosion in 1996-ish. However, we hope that the now 5 billion cell phone users take heed and turn the damn phone off once in a while, especially if you are fighting with your significant other about child support in front of us at the Quickie Mart. Surprisingly enough, even though it isn't played up, many mobile devices actually have a small-print warning that the product should not be placed immediately against the head. We can't help but note AC has started to use an earpiece more lately. This may be quite serious over the long-term, and maybe it would explain why people have enjoyed shows like American Idol, Dancing With The Desperately Irrelevant and Jersey Shore during the last decade. If it will make you feel any better, this now means many of you will die of brain cancer before the zombies get you.