Calista Flockhart has long been speculated to suffer from Anorexia. Although she has vehemently denied those speculations in the past, she admitted in an interview after finishing filming The Ally McBeal Show, that a grueling work schedule, made her stop wanting to eat. Flockhart says, "I was seriously stressed. I was working 15-hour days on the set and then I was dealing with the end of the show, which was basically my life. I started under-eating, over-exercising, pushing myself too hard and brutalizing my immune system. I guess I just didn't find time to eat."
Here is the thing: how people respond to stress is based on how their brain is wired. Your stress management skills, the way you perceive life and your personality traits reveal how your brain is wired.
Just as Britney Spear's deficiency of serotonin sets her up for binging behaviors, Calista Flockhart's behaviors reveal that she is disposed to have an excess of serotonin.
Brain chemicals need to be balanced - a surplus of any one neurotransmitter is just as health threatening as a deficiency.
So, which key things stand out that reveals that Calista has an excess of serotonin?
- Anxiety (chronic stuck in fight or flight mode)
- Obsessive compulsive behaviors (counting, exercising, washing your hands over and over again etc.)
- Perfectionistic
- Rigid
- Structured
- Hyperactive
- Feeling stuffed after especially carbohydrate rich meals
- Always pushing yourself
- Distorted bodyimage
- Inability to relax and calm down - always running around or fidgeting.
- Passive-aggressive
So what is the natural reaction to help calm down an overexcited central nervous system due to elevated serotonin levels?
Well, you begin to starve yourself - because restricting (especially carbs), depletes serotonin - and you begin to feel a bit more comfortable in your own skin.
Starvation becomes your addiction, because you use it to cope with emotions and control your mood.
Any weight restoration program or recovery program that does not take this into consideration is bound to fail, due to the simple fact, that eating foods that do not match your brain and biochemistry type will set the individual up to become wired and overload the brain with serotonin. Thus the fear of feeling worse when eating is enforced and you go back to starving yourself to feel somewhat better.
However, if you know which nutritional strategies to take in order to balance those chemicals, then you will experience that you can actually feel better while in recovery.
And ultimately, a stable brain chemistry enables you to focus on other things that are much more important than weight, looks and the size of your neighbors thighs.
When you FEEL good, you will automatically LOOK good!
It's about understanding how to treat what is causing you to feel and look like trash.
Once you understand why you are acting the way you are, and that you are NOT nuts - but your brain chemistry is - then you are on the path to a STRONG MIND in a STRONG BODY. Effortlessly and permanently!
You are welcome to contact The Nutrition Doctor to hear more about what we can offer you on your path to recovery!
Take care of yourself - life is short!
Eat, Breathe & Love
Christina Santini
Medical Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach
Specializing in Biopsychology